"MooreOnChrist.com" Pastor Glen Howard Moore, Where It's ALL about JESUS!

“A DISCIPLES REWARD” Part 2 - from the series- "A Life That God Rewards"

Glen Howard Moore

“A DISCIPLES REWARD” from the series- "A Life That God Rewards"

How can I get rewarded by God? What kind of rewards can I get? What do I 

have to do to get a reward? Jesus promised his followers the abundant life if 

they would seek the kingdom of God first.

Pastor Glen Howard Moore
To participate in,     “One day to feed the world“

Please make your check payable to 
TNLC, Torrance new life Church.  
On the memo line write, “One Day“.  
You will receive a tax write off letter for your contribution. 
Remember, you are “Loaning to God” to feed the poor of the world…

2300 Sepulveda Blvd.
Torrance, CA   90501

Edited messages will be posted on YouTube- please go to-

“Torrance New Life Videos”

On YouTube, Formally called-

Torrance New Life Church